Senin, 07 Maret 2011

Acrostic poem

Acrostic poem

Grace is her name
Red is her favorite color
Always on my side
Clever and intelligent
Exciting to play and talk to her

Exciting when I meet her
Likes to listen to music and plays the clarinet
Elephant is her favorite animal
Nice to her friends, family and teachers
As she always said, life’s always a challenge

Will always be on your side
Intelligent and kind
Loves to play the guitar
Likes to joke with his friends
Yellow is his favorite color

Joyful person
And has many friends
San Francisco is now where he lives
Pleasant to be friends with him
Edria is his sister’s name
Really likes to make new friends

Very fun to be friends with
And very exciting to be with her
Nice to her friends and families
Intelligent and sweet
Amazing friend

Wilson is the name
Independent, fun and smart person
Likes science and math
Stephen is his brother’s name
Never gives up 

The acrostic poems I made on here are about random people's name of my friends and classmates because I think that it is something good and ideal to make for acrostic poems that have a story in it so that I can add in the poem and make it easier. The reason why I chose this type of theme is because I think it's easy to make for story type of acrostic poems, so that’s why.

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