Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Sonnet (2 shakespearean 2 petrarchans) The joy of light

Shakespearan Sonnets:

1st shakspearan sonnet

What love is

Everbody needs love in they're lives
Because it's important and needed
If you don't succeed just try
You will never know it
It is valuable and real
And hate is not good
You will be good and you feel
I know you could
It will actually be a big of a deal
If you try to be kind
Say nice things and feel surreal
So don't try to read my mind
We need to love everyone
So it will be peace and have fun

2nd shakespearean sonnet

Fairest Love (2nd )

From the fairest creature we decided to increase,
That thereby beauty's rose might never die,
But as the riper should time by decease
His tender heir might bear his memory
But thou contracted to love his fair love
Being in love where he always lies
Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel
Thou that love is now the world's fresh ornament
And only the sweetest poison
Within thine own the bud of fairest love
And also the complicatest
And also the fairest
Is the fairest love

Explanation: This theme of the poem is about love in the world. Everybody needs to love one another, and I think that is really important for us. If there isn't love the world will just be sad. I chose this poem because I think love means a lot to me and to a lot of people too. So that's the reason why I chose that theme. I made this because I think the topic is interesting and also I like to read and write poems about love.

Explanation: This poem is different from my first shakespearan poem because this is about the opposite which is heartbroken. I chose this theme because for me it is easy to make sad poems, and not only happy ones. This sonnet is about somebody losing a close person like a friend, or family member and that person is expressing his/her feelings about they're loss.
Why I choose this theme?
Because, I am quite bored if i wrote the poems which is always happy. And I don't want it if its always a happy poem. So I just make one sad poem in this sonnet.


1st petrarchan sonnet

The happiness and joyfulness of light

Where art thou fair maiden of shining light?
Show thy face and wave thine wand of magic
Unless thou art not- this will be tragic!
Secluded out of sight during my plight;
Why hideth when thy touch can cure all pain
Shadows of darkness covering the moon
Revealeth thy self-or this will be gloom!
Heareth this solemn voice waxing and wane;
Alas my love, you have withered my pain
Your sparkling love pusheth night's darkness by
Heart smiling, head raiseth without a cry:
Thy soft touch filleth my heart with sweet poison:
Scales gone sweet love appeareth in my sight
With the sun shine-I beholdeth thy light!

2nd petrarchan sonnet

My light of joyness in my soul

When I consider my light of joyness in my soul is spent,
My days in this darkness would be bright and wide,
And one sadness which has forever died and has hide
Me using less, my soul has bent

To serve therewith my happiness and present
I have found my way of happiness
And my heart and soul has been filled with joyfulness
And I found my right high way, my old high way should be prevented

Explanation about the theme:
This petrarchan sonnet is about happiness and joyfulness of the light. It explains about happiness like there's no sadness in this world and its always happy and ends with happy endings.
Why I choose this theme??
Because I like it if the world is always ending with happy endings like in fairytales (actually its possible that the world can end in a happy ending if everything's peaceful and good) And also besides, I also want it to make it as a petrarchan sonnet because it's also interesting to me and also the back have the same end (ex: sight, light) and also both of my petrarchan's sonnet will have the topic "happiness" (because I don't want to always make it about nature and too much love anymore. It's boring if the theme's always like that)

Shape poem 2

Dog shape poem
This is my 2nd shape poem. This shape poem is about my dog Lulu.
Why I choose this theme??
Because for the 2nd shape poem I am also confuse what should the topic also be. Then I think again and got my idea. I decided to make the theme which will be about my dog. Because I think it will also be interesting if I write the shape poem about my dog and It will be also a good theme for myself because I really liked my dog very much. I wrote that how she is a really a good dog and also cute and adorable and also a good friend/ partner in the shape poem. And it's also not really that hard for me to write about my dog (because I know everything about my dog) and it's also good if it become a shape poem to be posted to the blog. :D
And also this is a good topic for my poem because I love my dog very much and I have adopted her for years and know many things about her.

Shape poems 1


This shape poem is about love.
Why I choose to make this shape poem??
Because I have no idea about what will my shape poem will be about and its hard for me to think about making the shape poem and I am confused what kind of shape poem I should make that time. So I think and think and got the idea how to make the shape poem. And I choose the topic "Love" for my shape poem. Its not that easy or hard to make this love poem. I just drew a heart shape and wrote about love like it's a sweet poison and also how painful and complicated love is and you can be sad for months when you are lefted and rejected. And I also think it's the right topic for me to make this shape poem topic. And also love is something sweet and also makes us feels happy and our heart filled with joy.

Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Free style poem (rhyming poem (2) )

2 Free style poems (2 rhyming, 2 non-rhyming)

Non rhyming:

1st rhyming poem

Got to keep warm in the snow

When you start to shiver,
And your teeth began to chatter,
Don’t just stand there turning blue
Let us tell you what to do!

Flap your arms and stand your feet!
You got to keep us warm!
You got to keep us warm!
Flap your arms and stamp your feet!

You got to keep warm!
You got to keep warm!
Icicles are on my nose!
Oh! I’ve got frozen toes!
Flap your arms and stamp your feet!
We got to keep warm!
We got to keep warm!

2nd  rhyming poem

My friend the snowman loves to play with me
He’s always full of laughs and as happy as can be
Although he doesn’t say much and cannot jump or run
My friend the snowman is really lots of fun

My friend the snowman, he wears a red scarf and a hat,
He’s got kiwifor his eyes and a little a fat
He hasn’t any hair and should really has a name
But I still love him the same

Explanation about the theme:
The theme I made about these freestyle poems are about the snow and cold weather. These poem's theme is winter and in this winter theme  poem I wrote about somebody trying to survive when it is really cold weather and also about somebody playing with a snowman. I chose this theme for the poems because I think that it is a creative idea for me to make because I really like to read poems that are about weather poems and they are also a good idea for me to make the poem I think and also a snowmen is also related to winter.

Non-Rhyming poems (2)

1st poem

I m tired of assessments

Forget it
You must be kidding
I am really tired
I am really stressed out
I am tired of these assessments

And I wish I don’t have these assessments
My mind’s in chaos and I m tired
I have no idea how should I did these assessments
I m stressed out and need vacation
Deadline’s up oh no

And all I have are these reasons
You like it? Really? Not kidding?
Thanks a lot! What assessment I should do next?

2nd poem

Title: tired of exams

Forget it
They must be kidding
I can’t stand anymore
I am tired
I am stressed
Because of these exams and tests

And I wish I don’t have any quizzes
I m really really tired
I don’t want to do this exams
I m stressed and need a rest
Aha! Exam ’s over

And vacation’s at last
I am happy and my stress is gone
Thanks goodness! I wish there would be no more stress

I have written this non-rhyming poem as it is easier to do. This poem is about me being stressed out with the exams and assessment. I got this idea because currently I am being stressed with the never ending assessments and exams that's need to be done in a short time. This basically sums up what I am feeling about the assessments, exams and also rushing it and being stressed. I am also quite impatient to wait for holiday which will be coming soon :) And through this poem I just tell how I feel during all this assessments.

Senin, 07 Maret 2011

Acrostic poem

Acrostic poem

Grace is her name
Red is her favorite color
Always on my side
Clever and intelligent
Exciting to play and talk to her

Exciting when I meet her
Likes to listen to music and plays the clarinet
Elephant is her favorite animal
Nice to her friends, family and teachers
As she always said, life’s always a challenge

Will always be on your side
Intelligent and kind
Loves to play the guitar
Likes to joke with his friends
Yellow is his favorite color

Joyful person
And has many friends
San Francisco is now where he lives
Pleasant to be friends with him
Edria is his sister’s name
Really likes to make new friends

Very fun to be friends with
And very exciting to be with her
Nice to her friends and families
Intelligent and sweet
Amazing friend

Wilson is the name
Independent, fun and smart person
Likes science and math
Stephen is his brother’s name
Never gives up 

The acrostic poems I made on here are about random people's name of my friends and classmates because I think that it is something good and ideal to make for acrostic poems that have a story in it so that I can add in the poem and make it easier. The reason why I chose this type of theme is because I think it's easy to make for story type of acrostic poems, so that’s why.

Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

English poem assessment (haiku)

English Poem Assessment   (Haiku (6) )

Theme: Nature

1ST haiku

Title: Earth

Home of the livings                                                               (5 syllables)
Wonderful place to enjoy                                                    (7 syllables)
Nice and peaceful earth                                                        (5 syllables)

2nd haiku

Title: Starry night in the sky

 Stars in the night sky                                                           (5 syllables)
 Shinning bright in the night skies                                        (7 syllables)
 Bright and beautiful                                                            (5 syllables)

3th haiku

Title:  Sunlight

The sunlight is bright                                                               (5 syllables)
So bright in the afternoon                                                        (7 syllables)
I can hardly see                                                                       (5 syllables)

  4th  haiku

Title: Autumn

Autumn came so fast                                                         (5 syllables)                   
Before I can say goodbye                                                 (7 syllables)
To the warm summer                                                        (5 syllables)

5th haiku

Title: Cold winter night

Cold and freezing night                                                          (5 syllables)
Makes me cold and shivering                                                 (7 syllables)
I don’t like winters                                                                  (5 syllables)

6th haiku

Title: Spring

Spring has came at last                                                                     (5 syllables)
Goodbye to the cold winter                                                             (7 syllables)
Flowers bloom in the spring                                                           (5 syllables)

Explanation about the theme:

The theme is about nature. And also the 1st haiku is about the earth first (its like the introduction like what earth is and its a wonderful place to live and enjoy) and also then from starry night, sunlight  and then the season changes into autumn, winter then spring. Its like the haiku is explaining  the seasons in order and step by step (from summer, autumn, winter then spring) and you tell how you feel about them in this form of haiku.

Why I choose this theme?
Why I choose this theme?? Because I think it's also interesting to make haiku about the nature. You get this idea from how they happen and also how you feel about them. I also have no idea when I want to make this haiku and what should it be about. And I got the idea to make the theme nature and I find it easy to make this haiku because I write and tell how i feel about Summer, autumn, winter, spring and starry sky.
I also find  it interesting to make this haiku about nature. I enjoy doing this work. And I also love the nature.